Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photoshop Tutorial - Removing a Picture from it's Background

Everyone wants to know how to take a picture and replace the background or make it transparent.

1 .
Open your image, and double click on the "background" name in your layers pallette. This will turn it into a layer.


Open the extract tool: Image>Extract or Option/Alt+Cmd/Ctrl+X


1. Take the marker tool and trace around the image you want to extract. Keep the marker 1/2 way on the image and 1/2 on the background. For solid areas use a small brush, for softer areas like the loose hair, use a larger brush. Tip: to adjust the brush size use the [ and ] keys.

2. Now take the bucket tool and fill the area you want to keep.Click OK.


There will be a few areas that have been accidently deleted. You can clean up the image using the eraser and the history brush.

5. Use the "move tool" and move the image to a new background of your choice and place it anywhere you want.

6.Select a small brush size and "paint" back the image.Now you can place the image onto any background you wish.


Photoshop Tutorial - Blend 3 or More Pictures

1) Open 4 pictures.

2) Drag Picture 2,3 and 4 to Picture 1.
If you are done, you're Layer box of Picture 1 should look like this.

3)Right click on the Background at layer box to get 'Layer From Background'.
Then now you should have 4 Layers like this.

4) Select Layer 3(top layer) and add Layer Mask

5) Now select Gradient Tool ( Right click on Bucket tool to select Gradient tool)

6) Use Gradient tool to drag from Point A to Point B. The length of dragging depends on your likes

7)After that, you should have something like this

8) Now select Layer 2 and add Layer mask

9) Use Gradient tool also, now drag from Point A to Point B like below.

10) Then you should have something like this

11) Then select Layer 1 and add Layer mask

12) Now drag from point A to Point B like this

13) You should get something like this.

Finally if you are not satisfied with the result, you can keep on messing with the gradient tools until you get the effects that you like. But do take note that LAYER MASK is selected instead of your layer itself when you are messing with the gradient.

Trick: Each gradient of layer must be of different side in order to have all the 4 pictures to be visible in your final product and the visiblity too depends on the length of dragging it.

My final product:

Photoshop Tutorial - Liquid Swirl effect

Photoshop Tutorial - Create Glass Type Looking Text

1) Start with a background. 72dpi and RGB mode.

2) Add some text. Make sure you use a cool & appropriate font type. It may not work with all fonts

3) Add a layer style by clicking the little "f" at the bottom of the layers palette.

Add a dropshadow and a bevel, copy the settings shown here.

Note 2 things here that really make the glass "pop"

A. Change the contour, this gives the reflected look.
B. uncheck the global light and change the altitude to 70.

4) Here is the result so far:

5) This step is where the magic happens!

In the styles palette, click on the Custom blending options.

Now pull the fill opacity under advance blending all the way to 0 and the rabbit comes out of the hat!

6) Here is glass type.

Photoshop Tutorial - Create Brushless Background

Web Calendar Pad 2009.7.5

The Web Calendar Pad is a program that you can use to create illustrated monthly calendars, that can look like wall calendars and be published automatically to your website, a file, or be printed.Perfect for businesses, schools, churches, clubs, organizations and personal calendars.Web Calendar Pad helps you create an HTML illustrated calendar. Web Calendar Pad makes it easy for some one with zero knowledge of HTML to create, publish, and update online event calendars, in mere minutes. No need to battle html code ever again , you can choose the look of your calendar from a large list of defined styles, or easily create your own custom look that can include photos, backgrounds, and custom fonts.

Here are some key features of "Web Calendar Pad":

� Create Web Calendars that can include photos, backgrouns, and custom fonts
� Easy to use and quick to publish
� Lets you keep data in a separate calendar for each subject, but selectivly merge when publishing
� Supports the FTP protocol of file transfer, that makes it easy to publish your calendars on the internet
� Supports Macros, that let you use short-cut key words and then replace them with full text allowing you to reduce the amount of typing
� Built in wizard, lets you define the look of your calendar, or choose from predefined theme
� Lets you add custom headers and footers to you html calendar

Size : 11.6 MB





SideFX Houdini Master 10.0.295

Houdini 10 is the first commercially-available application to slice up and distribute fluid simulations over a network of computers. 3D artists will benefit from faster simulation times in addition to the ability to create simulations at a much bigger size and scale than would be possible with a single computer. Studios and boutiques can integrate these distributed fluid sims using existing pipeline tools, or work with HQueue a new python-based job manager which can also distribute Mantra renderings. HQueue jobs can be launched using a Houdini output node and then monitored using HQueue�s artist-friendly web interface. For fluid simulations, each node on the farm can be equipped with Houdini Batch to process the slices and keep your workstation licenses free for interactive work.

VFX artists can create high quality smoke and fire in Houdini 10 with the new Pyro FX tools. Utilizing cutting edge up-resing technology, Pyro FX makes it possible to create a low resolution simulation in planning out a shot, then increase the resolution on subsequent passes to add higher level of details and refinement. Pyro FX comes with several pre-made Pyro FX such as Billowy smoke and Fireball to give artists a head start when setting up a simulation.

Lighting artists can take advantage of the progressive Interactive Photorealistic Rendering (IPR) feature in Houdini 10. This IPR workflow supports both raytracing and Physically Based Rendering (PBR), providing feedback whenever a scene changes. An update will be triggered when shader and light parameters are tweaked or when objects, cameras and lights are added, moved or even removed. Artists can drag and drop materials into the IPR window and can �control click� to access shader parameters for any part of an image. Snap shots can be taken to compare with other iterations of a shot using features such as �diffing�.

Houdini 10 also includes support for Stereoscopic 3D in both the viewport and Houdini�s image viewer. The Houdini stereo camera supports both anaglyph and horizontal interlaced stereo and includes control for parallax and inter-axial distance. Studios can preview their 3D work from within Houdini and can generate stereo images at render time.

Houdini 10 includes many more features such as:
* Motion FX which gives artist-friendly access to the procedural power of Houdini�s channel operators (CHOPS).
* Improvements to Network Usability including new align tools, and the ability to quickly connect and disconnect nodes using fewer clicks.
* Physically Based Rendering (PBR) is now fully supported in Houdini�s multi-threaded shading language.
* Deep Camera Maps which make it possible to render volumes and objects into separate passes then combine them perfectly.
* The Rigid Body Solver now supports ODE for faster simulations.
* Houdini�s cloth solver can be used to simulate the Crumpling and Tearing of dentable and elastic surfaces.
* The wire solver now supports Parting and is much faster when simulating longer wires.
* New Knife and Edge Loop modeling tools.
* And much more

Main features:
� Work Fast, Smart, Flexible
� A New Level of Understanding
� Take Control of Tools and Assets
� Artist-friendly User Interface
� Polygon/Subdivision Modeling
� NURBS Modeling
� Creating Geometry
� Advanced Motion -Editing Tools
� Procedural Animation and Motion Editing
� Sound Creation and Editing
� Control Lights across many Shots
� Build Shaders and Materials Interactively
� Top-notch RenderMan Support
� Third Party Rendering Support
� Integrated Python Support
� And much, much more

Size : 159 MB









Photoshop Tutorial - Guide to make a Custom User Bar in Photoshop CS

In this tutorial we will learn how to make a custom user bar to use in the signatures...

Aim : To Make a Photoshop CS user bar...

1) Make a new document with sizes [width:350 x height:19 ] and having a transparent background.

2) Make a suitable gradient and apply it.

3) Now get a logo, search in Google Images, find your logo and open it up in Photoshop.

4) Now it's time to remove your logo from the background, get the polygonal lasso tool and carefully cut it out.

5) Now go to Edit > Copy, then open the user bar document (the one where you applied a gradient), then create a new layer

and go to Edit > Paste.

6) Now with this layer selected go to Edit > Transform > Scale and resize your logo or reposition it if you wish.

7) Now right click on the layer and select Blending Options and give it a little outer glow with these settings:

8) Now make a new layer and get the Elliptical Marquee Tool and drag it from about point 1 to point 2.

9) Now get the Gradient Tool and use these settings:

and now drag it vertical from point 1 to point 2:

10) And now you have a nice light effect, create a new layer and fill it with a 45 degree scanline with opacity from 10% - 15%
if you don't have a 45 degree scanline make a new document with dimensions 3x3 with a transparent background and do a

maximum zoom,now get the pen tool (make shure your color is set to black) and draw what is done in this picture:

When you are done go to Edit > Define Pattern and name it what you want and click ok.
Now you can close this document because the pattern is permanently saved in Photoshop.

Here is what you should have so far:

11) Now it's time to put some text, We will use font Visitor which you can get below in the attached files
type your text then right click on your layer and go to Blending Options and use these settings:

Here is what we have so far:

12) Now for the final step is to add a border, create a new layer and hold CTRL and click on the bottom layer. You should have the "running ants" around your document, now go to Edit > stroke and use these settings then click OK:

And now you are done!
Here is the final result:

Also check my current sig:

Here are some more user bars (apart from the ones in my sig)...

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial...