Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Add Orkut Share Button To Wordpress And Blogger Blogs ?

Orkut has recently released orkut Share API for its users. Orkut users can now share and promote interesting content from the Internet with their orkut friends easily with just few clicks. The shared content will appear in their activity updates.

Facebook users already have this feature. Most of the bloggers and webmasters use Facebook share option to share and promote their content on Facebook. Its one of the best methods to promote their content. It seems Orkut is following Facebook in looks and in features too.

Add Orkut Share Button To Wordpress Blogs

If you are using Wordpress as your blogging platform, here is detailed tutorial to add orkut share button to your blog :

  • Go to theme editor of your wordpress blog and open header.php file.

  • Now copy and paste the following code in header.php file

  • <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    google.load('orkut.share', '1');
    google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
    var params = {};
    params[google.orkut.share.Field.TITLE] = 'Interesting Page!';
    params[google.orkut.share.Field.DESTINATION_URL] = '<?php the_permalink() ?>';
    var connection = new google.orkut.share.Connection(params);
    document.getElementById('orkut-share').onclick =
    function(e) { connection.send('orkut.com', {}); };
    }, true);

  • Click on Update file button.

  • Open single.php file.

  • Now copy and paste the following code in single.php file where you want to display the button

    <span id="orkut-share" style="cursor:pointer;">
    <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/2d98wtg.gif"/>

  • Click on Update file button again.

  • That’s all. Navigate to your blog to see the changes.

Orkut had launched Orkut Share API. By using this API sharing on Orkut has became easier.We will see how to add Orkut Share button in blogger posts.


  • Login into your blogger account > Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > Download Full Template. This will take a backup of your blog template

  • Click on Expand Widget Templates.

  • Search for <data:post.body/> in Template.

  • Add the following code below <data:post.body/>, Code goes like this:


    <div style='float:left; margin-left:10px;'>

    <script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi' type='text/javascript'/>

    <script type='text/javascript'>

    google.load( 'orkut.share', '1' );

    google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {

    new google.orkut.share.Button({

    lang: 'en',

    style: google.orkut.share.Button.STYLE_REGULAR,

    title: '<data:post.title/>',

    summary: ('Stay Connecated.'),

    thumbnail: ('http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6C_iz-Wxrzs/SxFtPJbXgpI/AAAAAAAABi8/Ux7L9b3PUog/s320/share.gif'),

    destination: '<data:post.url/>'




    <div id='orkut-button'/>



  • Just change summary part as you want and the URL for the thumbnail

  • Now save your template. You will see below your post. Wait till your page is fully loaded.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Browse websites for free with MBlaze

A prepaid service called MBlaze allows users to browse few websites at no charge. Sistema Shyam Teleservices? mobile telephony arm MTS has launched this service.

Websites like Yahoo, Wikipedia, Makemytrip and few others can be surfed for free. MBlaze comes with speeds of up to 3.1 Mbps at charges of 10 paise per MB. You can recharge your account at retail outlets or through a web-based process.

MBlaze will be available in few cities in Delhi, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Bihar, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu,Kerala and Karnataka.

In Mumbai, the service will be launched in December 2009.

What problems does Google Wave solve?

There are countless pundits and other tech gurus describing Google Wave as a disappointment, lately. Most of that seems to come from the fact that nobody seems to get what Wave is for. So they compare it to social media.

Is Wave the next Twitter? Nope. Is it the next Facebook? Nope. Is it going to replace Instant Messengers? Possibly, in some circumstances, but not any time soon.
I believe this is partly Google’s fault: they released Wave to geeks and hackers and social media folks first. But Wave is not a geek/hacker tool, or a social media tool, it’s a corporate tool that solves work problems (more on that later). On the other hand, they never claimed it would be a Facebook replacement or a Twitter killer. Google calls wave an “online tool for real-time communication and collaboration”. The way Google should have advertised Wave is: “it solves the problems with email”.

At Woobius, we’ve been working at resolving the problems with email for some time. Woobius is a solution to some of the problems of email within the construction industry. We’ve blogged and given talks about it. Perhaps that’s why it was immediately obvious to me and my team why Google Wave is awesome.
What’s the problem with email, anyway?

To most geeks, the main problem with email is spam. They don’t have a problem with online collaboration – they use Google Docs, Etherpad, Skitch, screen sharing tools, or any number of collaborative whiteboard applications. So the main problems for geeks are that they’re signed up to so many services that they get inundated with notifications, monthly newsletters, automated messages, and shreds of spam that manage to get through GMail’s spam filters. But when they want to collaborate on a document or picture, they can find the tools they need, most of the time.

But then again, most geeks don’t do all that much document-based collaboration, by email or otherwise. Programming doesn’t require a whole lot of collaboration, beyond that provided by source control tools and bug tracking system. Being Robert Scoble probably doesn’t require you to spend days working on a specification document for some finicky aspect of project X, or at least not very often, and he’s probably not the one collating everyone’s suggested changes and resubmitting the document for further review.

In your average corporate environment, though, this happens all the time. People work on documents, presentations, etc. They have lengthy discussions over email. Pieces of work bounce back and forth across one or multiple organisations for weeks before they’re finalised. People are brought on to the conversation late in the day. Attachments get lost. Inboxes fill up and emails bounce. It’s a major pain.

So what are the problems with email in a corporate environment, and what does Wave do to address them?

Problem 1: Collaborating on a piece of text

It’s hard to use email like you would use, say, Etherpad – to collaborate on a document that later needs to be sent out. Most such collaborations end up being done either via a Word document with change tracking, or, when they’re more ad-hoc, via a long thread of email with corrections coming in from every direction. It’s a nightmare to keep track of and collate all that feedback. Even giving the feedback is difficult sometimes: you have to quote the context and make sure your change is clearly outlined.

Google Wave resolves that by effectively integrating Etherpad’s features into the email client. Putting an email to an important client together, with feedback from the team, becomes a breeze.

Problem 2: Adding new people to the conversation

With a typical email thread, you can forward the whole thread to a new participant, or add them into the next reply, but they’ll only get a garbled, over-indented mess, in reverse chronological order. If you’ve ever been added late into an email thread that had already been going on for a week and involved two dozen replies, you know what I mean.

Google Wave solves that by giving exactly the same view to everyone, regardless of when they’ve been added.

Problem 3: Keeping added people added

Many times, when you add new people into a conversation, they get dropped again later, when someone replies to all from an earlier email that didn’t include the new participants. Sometimes it takes a while before you realise that key people have been dropped out of the conversation. That costs time and hassle both for the people who were dropped and those who weren’t.

Wave solves that by making “dropping people” an explicit action, rather than something you can do by mistake.

Problem 4: Attaching files

Most large companies have an email storage problem, so they limit the size of people’s mailboxes. Because of that, it’s not uncommon to see “Inbox full” bounces when sending large documents around. Not only that, but sending documents is iffy at best. The SMTP protocol doesn’t seem to be all that good at sending large files.

Now, to be fair, Wave will probably suffer from the same limitations as any HTTP upload applications – but that’s still a whole lot better than your average email. Sending emails over 10MB usually fails. Attaching a 10MB file to a Wave is no problem at all.

Problem 5: Lost attachments

When you reply to an email with an attachment, the attachment is dropped. This is a good thing with email, because it stops a single email thread from unnecessarily clogging up both the mail server storage and its bandwidth. Since the whole email is transmitted down the wire when you click “send”, this kind of limitation is unavoidable.

What this means, however, is that if you bring new people into a conversation, by adding them as recipients or by forwarding them the latest mail in the conversation, they won’t get any of the attachments. Not only that, but if you’re looking for that first attachment, and the conversation has been going on for weeks (and, like everyone else, you receive upwards of 50 relevant emails a day), finding that attachment can be quite difficult. If there were multiple attachments throughout the life of the discussion, gathering them all to send them to a new participant is exponentially more tedious.

With Wave’s model, however, the attachments stay there, where you put them. They’re only sent down the wire, from you to the email server, once. You never need to re-forward an attachment to someone. When you add new people to the conversation, they get access to all the attachments right away.

Problem 6: Multiple conversation branches

Email conversations are, basically, flat. If you try to have multiple branches of conversation in email you end up with a sordid mess. You might do that a few times in your life, but you quickly learn not to. But flattening everything has its own share of problems – every email ends up containing replies to several other emails. It becomes very difficult to track what was replied to and what wasn’t. And it’s hard to collate all the suggestions effectively.

Google Wave resolves this by allowing clear, obvious threading. Yes, if you use a lot of threading in an instant messaging context, it will be hard to manage. But within the typical email collaboration context, it will keep things a lot more clean and tidy than not having threading.

Problem 7: Small corrections

With email, if your only comment on someone’s email is to fix a dozen typos, you still have to do almost as much work as if you were making substantial changes to their proposed text. You need to quote the context, highlight which bit you corrected, and then rely on the other person applying your changes back to the original document (which they often forget to do — after all, it’s just a few typos).

With Wave, no such problem – you can just edit the original text and make those changes. If the person who submitted that document wants to review your changes, they can play them back.

Problem 8: Email to IM to Email

Instant Messaging is a powerful, useful technology that has proven its worth. But it’s not very well integrated with email. If you rely on your inbox to keep track of conversations, there’s still this gaping black hole of IM which is tracked somewhere else (if at all). GTalk tried to resolve that by storing IM conversations in your inbox – and that was a good step.

What Google Wave does, however, is much bolder: it recognises the fact that a lot of IM conversations, in corporate environments, begin with an email exchange that’s just getting too rapid. When you send more than 3 emails to the same person in one minute, it usually makes sense to either pick up the phone or IM them. With Google Wave, this doesn’t need to be a conscious decision: if you’re replying quickly, Wave smoothly turns into an IM-like platform. When your replies get slower again, it, once again smoothly, turns into an email-like platform.

This means that the whole conversation, whether email-like or IM-like, is tracked and searchable in the same place, and visible to all those who are invited to the conversation.

I believe that people who don’t see what Google Wave is for are simply looking at it from the wrong angle. Wave is not a social tool. It’s not Twitter, it’s not GTalk, it’s not Facebook. It was never designed to appeal to the crowds of geeks who are currently trying it out.

Wave is built for the corporate environment. It’s a tool for getting work done. And as far as those go, it’s an excellent tool, even at this very early stage.

It will probably take years before Wave fully penetrates large corporations and replaces the email systems everyone is used to. But it solves so many thorny problems with email that it might well manage to do so, where so many other tentative “email fixes” have failed.

In the meantime, we should stop judging it as a social tool and start looking at how we can use it for real work. Invite your colleagues to it, and get working.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

15 Unique and Creative USB Flash Drives

15 Unique and Creative USB Flash Drives

Ninja Star USB Flash Drive

Awaken the inner Ninja in yourself with this Shuriken shaped USB Thumb Drive

Sushi USB Flash Drives

Do you like Sushi? Then you will love these Sushi USB flash drives.

Canon 5D Mark II USB Flash Drive

4GB USB flash drive in the shape of EOS 5D Mark II digital camera.

Lipstick USB Flash Drive

Custom USB flash drive created from a real lipstick.

Cereal Spoon USB Flash Drive

Unusual flash drive created from Bran Flakes cereal, a silver spoon, and lots of glue.

Bacon USB Flash Drive

Creative flash drive design inspired by bacon. Mmmmm, bacon!

Transforming USB Flash Drive

This flash drive will make a great gift for any Transformers fan.

Mechanical USB Flash Drive

When in use, this handmade 16GB USB flash drive glows green from underneath the gears giving the key a good sense of movement.

Wooden Clamp USB Flash Drive

USB flash drive designed to look like an ordinary wooden clamp.

Wristband USB Flash Drive

Fashionable mass storage device that you can wear wherever you go and your data and information will be there whenever you need.

“Nailed” USB Flash Drive

The USB Nail is a 2GB flash drive shaped like a giant nail. It costs about $46 and is sure to get a rise out of the IT department.

Surfboard USB Flash Drive

USB flash drive with creative surfboard design and colorful graphics.

Gold Brick USB Flash Drive

This gold brick USB flash drive will surely impress your coworkers.

Wooden Cross USB Flash Drive

Custom made USB flash drive shaped like a wooden cross.

Taco Bell Border Sauce USB Flash Drive

USB flash drive inspired by Taco Bell Border Sauce packets.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Office 2010 Professional Beta Available for Download

Windows: Wanna give Office 2010's online document syncing, Windows 7 taskbar integration, and killer quick steps a go? Microsoft has thrown open the doors on a free beta of Office 2010 Professional—for those who can wait out the download.

As with the Windows 7 beta and most Microsoft offerings, this one requires grabbing a license key, registering or signing in with a Windows Live/Passport account, and fighting it out with the many others trying to grab the download from the servers. The download is 684 MB, and Microsoft is suggesting users uninstall previous versions of Office before downloading—as well as asking that you "don't test Office Professional Plus 2010 Beta on your primary home or business PC."

Okay, sure thing, Redmond. Let us know if you've grabbed the beta, or found any helpful mirror links, in the comments. Office 2010 Professional beta is a free download for Windows XP SP3 and later systems.

Power of Google

Friday, October 30, 2009

Get invitation for New Orkut Version

Orkut is redesigned with lot of fun and new cool features. Now orkut is more faster ,clean, more personalized, lot of fun and excitements. But you have to wait for an invitation to see the new Orkut now.

How to Get New Orkut Invitation

  1. Find a friend who has an invitation and ask him. If you see this icon Invitations icon on your friend's profile next to his name, they probably have an invitation he can share with others - so be bold, and ask him for one.
  2. Join Poppy and Shashi on the official community for cool insights into the new orkut and to participate in one of the many activities that will be taking place there.
New Features

  • Simpler and faster
  • Easy navigation to other Google properties
  • One-stop notifications
  • Fast photo uploads and photo sharing
  • more customization on profile and homepage with your choice of 5 colors
  • The IM list is now on the right, and is the only pop-up
  • Square photos for all profile photos
  • Limiting private messages to all community members
  • IE6 browser not supported for the new orkut
  • Friends' updates on homepage and now a default feature
  • Video chat

Now we want a new user friendly Orkut mobile application and more SMS features on our mobile handsets.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

GOD - Google Oriented Development - Prayer in Hindi

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Merging 2/3CD AVI's

Many releasers ... like xdr,DDR.etc.etc.tend to split their movies on 2/3CD format ....
They do this so that it can be burnt on a regular CD ...
But if u are a person like me ...who hardly ever uses CDs in today's world ....
and would prefer to have a single movie file ... so that it can be easily burnt on a DVD .
and also for seamless viewing .... then read on

================================================== ========

Guide to Convert DAT to AVI, VCD to DivX/XviD

Advanced X Video Converter is a comprehensive Windows video tool that makes it easy to convert, split and join video clips among a variety of major formats as well as many of the operations a user want to do, like extracting the audio and join/split video files. All these packed in a nice and clean user environment.

Download from here

Tips before we get started:

How to rip Dvd using Staxrip

First download Avisynth from here -


Install it.

Megui needs Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. Download the .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package from the microsoft website here -

Install .NET 2.0

Download Staxrip from here -
Download | planetdvb

Unzip the file.

Go to the Staxrip folder and run Staxrip.exe


Here is a trick to add up ur name in place of AM and PM beside time and make urself to feel proud among ur group of frnds.

Its simple

Start -> Control Pannel -> Regional and LAnguage option -> Customize (beside English US) ->
Go to TIME tab -> Change AM symbol and PM symbol from AM and PM to ur name -> Apply -> Ok ...

Orkut Trick : Add yourself as a friend and write a testimonial to yourself

Nothing to Speak, Just do whatever shown in Video Below.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Check Ur Thumb Drive Is Virus Free Or Not.

Whenever you plug a USB drive in your computer, a window will appear (if your autorun is enabled).

Don’t click on Ok , just choose ‘Cancel’.

Open your command prompt. Type ‘cmd’ in the run box or on the search panel if you are using vista

Format Your Hard Drive with Notepad

This is a simple binary code to format your hard drive c:\ . I'm sure most of you know this by now but still its interesting. Cool what you can do with a simple Notepad though.

1. Open notepad and type this in.

01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100


Play MKV or Matroska files on HDTV

The MKV is an open standard free container format, a file format that can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks inside a single file. It has gaind much popularity after the invention of Bluray Storage Medium. This year the Consumer Electronic Show 2009 saw the rise of hardware devices supporting Matroska out of the box. There has been a few devices out already that support Matroska (mkv) but 2009 will be the year where it becomes mainstream.

Fresh Shots of the Nokia RX-5 Tablet Prototype

Fresh Shots of the Nokia RX-5 Tablet Prototype

From the wilds of the Indonesian jungle message boards come these new shots of a mysterious Nokia tablet (or MID, or large phone) with a sliding QWERTY, labeled RX-5.
The RX-5 is packing a 5MP Carl Zeiss camera, a full QWERTY in the style of the N97 or Sony's XPERIA series, and a bunch of other interesting features:

10 Reasons Why PCs Crash U Must Know

Fatal error: the system has become unstable or is busy," it says. "Enter to return to Windows or press Control-Alt-Delete to restart your computer. If you do this you will lose any unsaved information in all open applications."

You have just been struck by the Blue Screen of Death. Anyone who uses Mcft Windows will be familiar with this. What can you do? More importantly, how can you prevent it happening?

Office 2010 Mondo build leaked

Office 2010 build 14.0.4417.1000 has leaked into the wild, and it's another Mondo build. What makes this build really significant though, is that it seems to be the first one with the word "beta" mentioned in various places.

Office 2010 will be the first version of Microsoft Office available in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors, and on one DVD no less. Office 2010 includes Access 2010, Excel 2010, InfoPath Designer 2010, InfoPath Filler 2010, OneNote 2010, Outlook 2010, PowerPoint 2010, Project 2010, Publisher 2010, SharePoint Designer 2010, SharePoint Workspace 2010, Visio 2010, and Word 2010. Just as with all the previous Office 2010 leaks, both flavors of this latest build, and all the applications, have been made widely available.

Google Shocking Thumbnail View

- Google Shocking Thumbnail View -

Open www.images.google.com then search for Dragon Ball z,Urban Terror anything and press enter.

Simple Port Forwarding Software --- Free

It has come to my attention that there is a free program out there called: "Simple Port Forwarding" and I have tested it myself to make sure it works. If you see the following message in your status bar: Your Not Connectable, Fix Now

This means that your not getting the full use of Bit Torrent. Even worse, if two users are both seeing this message they will not be able to connect at all. This slows down torrent speeds a lot.

And this message only comes up when your on a router and it's not setup to work well with BitTorrent, But this program will fix that. Here's the url:

Download Simple Port Forwarding | Simple Port Forwarding?

*Note this program doesn't work with Mac or Linux sorry. If your a Mac or Linux user scroll down way down, to read about the other way to port forward.

And here are the Getting Started instructions for "Simple Port Forwarding":

Step 1. Choose your router from the drop down list.
(If your router isn’t listed click “Tools” then Update Databases (Routers & Ports))
(If your router still isn’t listed click “Tools” then “Router Not Listed? (Click Here)” for more info on how to get your router/modem added.)

Step 2. Specify your router IP.
(You can click the detect router ip button to have the program find the IP for you. Your router IP is normally your gateway.)

Step 3. Enter the username and password to login to the router.
(Some routers don't like the way the program passes the username and password, if you have trouble logging in or loading any of the router pages simply remove the username and password and try again.)
(The program has a list of default username and passwords for routers/modems, but if yours isn’t the default please enter the correct username and password or the system cant log into your router!)

Step 4. Click the + button at the bottom right of the main list.
(This is the add new port to forward button and will allow you to add a program or game to forward)

Step 5. Now in the add new port to forward you can specify your info or choose from a list of Bit Torrent programs.
(This list is under the second drop down menu that says, "Chose a special program".

Step 6. Once you have added all the ports you want to forward, you should check and delete any current port forwarding you no longer need.
(You can easily do this by clicking on the "View/Remove Current Ports" button.)

Step 7. Once finished click the Update Router button.
(Then sit back and watch the program do the work for you.)

Hint: Sometimes routers don’t respond on the first attempt. If you have any issues try the update router button one more time. If all else fails leave a message on the forums!

2nd Hint: You can check and make sure your port forwarding is working under the tools menu.

To remove ports that have been forwarded simply click on the "View/Remove Current Ports" button.
This will load the port forwarding page of your router where you can make changes as needed.

*Note: You don't have to keep the Simple Port Forwarding program open, once it sets up port forwarding you can close it.


now that here's the other option for port forwarding, go to this url:

Warning: portforward.com has a whole page advertisement asking if you want to try there software, skip that page by clicking the "skip this page" link near the top of that page.

PortForward.com - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall

Now after you find your router from there huge list of routers you might see a big advertisement page there's a link to skip that page so don't worry about buying there program. and after you skip the advertisement the site will take you to a programs list, look for UTorrent or whatever bittorrent program you use. And incase your BitTorrent Program isn't on that page just go to the UTorrent guide. Most bittorrent programs work the same way as Utorrent when it comes to port forwarding. That's about it just follow there guides and you should get connected and going much faster than you have in the past with BitTorrent.

Delete An "undeletable" File

Delete An "undeletable" File

Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE

Scratched CDs: An Easy & Cheap Way To Repair Them

Scratched CDs: An Easy & Cheap Way To Repair Them

In this tutorial I will show you how to repair scratched CDs that are giving you errors such as Mismatching CRCs, Read Errors, Sync Errors and Suspicious Positions. If you do it properly, your scratched CDs should then give you perfect rips with matching CRCs. Even badly scratched CDs can be repaired, as long as the reflective layer (label side) is not damaged.
Before you do it on an original CD, I suggest you practice on an old (badly) scratched CD-R first.

uTorrent iPhone App Rejected by Apple, Goes Underground

Apple is known for the stringent guidelines it applies when deciding which software it allows in their App Store – BitTorrent is one of the things on their ban list. Apple argues that BitTorrent is often used to infringe copyrights and that such applications are a no go for the App Store, forcing developers to go underground.

How to use Kaspersky 2010 Free after 30 days trial period

How to use Kaspersky 2010 Free after 30 days trial period

Kaspersky is one of the top security software providing best protection to your data from latest Viruses, worms, phishing attacks, malware, etc. I’ve now found a 100% working trick, using which one can use Kaspersky Antivirus 2010 andKaspersky Internet Security 2010 after end of its 30 days trail for Free.

400GB Optical Disc Invented By Pioneer.

Got a big archiving project you’ve been itching to do? Pioneer’s latest development could help you keep all your data in one nice, little circular package. The Japanese electronics maker has been working on an optical disc, which, like Blu-ray, can store 25GB of data in a single layer. But Pioneer says it’s one-upped the high-definition format to the sixteenth degree. The company announced today that it has a single disc that contains 16 layers of storage, at 25GB each. That adds up to 400GB of data capable of being stored on a single disc.

Solution for increasing upload/download speed on Vista

A nice post I came across while finding a resolution to error 4226 - limiting TCP/IP connections

For Vista
A simple entry in the registry that lets you disable the half-open Tcp connection limit

Simply open regedit and go here:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photoshop Tutorial - Removing a Picture from it's Background

Everyone wants to know how to take a picture and replace the background or make it transparent.

1 .
Open your image, and double click on the "background" name in your layers pallette. This will turn it into a layer.


Open the extract tool: Image>Extract or Option/Alt+Cmd/Ctrl+X


1. Take the marker tool and trace around the image you want to extract. Keep the marker 1/2 way on the image and 1/2 on the background. For solid areas use a small brush, for softer areas like the loose hair, use a larger brush. Tip: to adjust the brush size use the [ and ] keys.

2. Now take the bucket tool and fill the area you want to keep.Click OK.


There will be a few areas that have been accidently deleted. You can clean up the image using the eraser and the history brush.

5. Use the "move tool" and move the image to a new background of your choice and place it anywhere you want.

6.Select a small brush size and "paint" back the image.Now you can place the image onto any background you wish.


Photoshop Tutorial - Blend 3 or More Pictures

1) Open 4 pictures.

2) Drag Picture 2,3 and 4 to Picture 1.
If you are done, you're Layer box of Picture 1 should look like this.

3)Right click on the Background at layer box to get 'Layer From Background'.
Then now you should have 4 Layers like this.

4) Select Layer 3(top layer) and add Layer Mask

5) Now select Gradient Tool ( Right click on Bucket tool to select Gradient tool)

6) Use Gradient tool to drag from Point A to Point B. The length of dragging depends on your likes

7)After that, you should have something like this

8) Now select Layer 2 and add Layer mask

9) Use Gradient tool also, now drag from Point A to Point B like below.

10) Then you should have something like this

11) Then select Layer 1 and add Layer mask

12) Now drag from point A to Point B like this

13) You should get something like this.

Finally if you are not satisfied with the result, you can keep on messing with the gradient tools until you get the effects that you like. But do take note that LAYER MASK is selected instead of your layer itself when you are messing with the gradient.

Trick: Each gradient of layer must be of different side in order to have all the 4 pictures to be visible in your final product and the visiblity too depends on the length of dragging it.

My final product: