Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Add Orkut Share Button To Wordpress And Blogger Blogs ?

Orkut has recently released orkut Share API for its users. Orkut users can now share and promote interesting content from the Internet with their orkut friends easily with just few clicks. The shared content will appear in their activity updates.

Facebook users already have this feature. Most of the bloggers and webmasters use Facebook share option to share and promote their content on Facebook. Its one of the best methods to promote their content. It seems Orkut is following Facebook in looks and in features too.

Add Orkut Share Button To Wordpress Blogs

If you are using Wordpress as your blogging platform, here is detailed tutorial to add orkut share button to your blog :

  • Go to theme editor of your wordpress blog and open header.php file.

  • Now copy and paste the following code in header.php file

  • <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    google.load('orkut.share', '1');
    google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
    var params = {};
    params[google.orkut.share.Field.TITLE] = 'Interesting Page!';
    params[google.orkut.share.Field.DESTINATION_URL] = '<?php the_permalink() ?>';
    var connection = new google.orkut.share.Connection(params);
    document.getElementById('orkut-share').onclick =
    function(e) { connection.send('orkut.com', {}); };
    }, true);

  • Click on Update file button.

  • Open single.php file.

  • Now copy and paste the following code in single.php file where you want to display the button

    <span id="orkut-share" style="cursor:pointer;">
    <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/2d98wtg.gif"/>

  • Click on Update file button again.

  • That’s all. Navigate to your blog to see the changes.

Orkut had launched Orkut Share API. By using this API sharing on Orkut has became easier.We will see how to add Orkut Share button in blogger posts.


  • Login into your blogger account > Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > Download Full Template. This will take a backup of your blog template

  • Click on Expand Widget Templates.

  • Search for <data:post.body/> in Template.

  • Add the following code below <data:post.body/>, Code goes like this:


    <div style='float:left; margin-left:10px;'>

    <script src='http://www.google.com/jsapi' type='text/javascript'/>

    <script type='text/javascript'>

    google.load( 'orkut.share', '1' );

    google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {

    new google.orkut.share.Button({

    lang: 'en',

    style: google.orkut.share.Button.STYLE_REGULAR,

    title: '<data:post.title/>',

    summary: ('Stay Connecated.'),

    thumbnail: ('http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6C_iz-Wxrzs/SxFtPJbXgpI/AAAAAAAABi8/Ux7L9b3PUog/s320/share.gif'),

    destination: '<data:post.url/>'




    <div id='orkut-button'/>



  • Just change summary part as you want and the URL for the thumbnail

  • Now save your template. You will see below your post. Wait till your page is fully loaded.