Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Windows 7 Build 7077 leaked

According to Reports, Windows 7 build 7077 has leaked to various torrent sites.

Named as an RC escrow build it's likely that 7077.0.090404-1255 is the RC that will be modified to 7100 and distributed widely in May. Microsoft on its Engineering Windows 7 blog by advising users to modify the MinClient build number from 7100 to 7000 in order to enable beta to RC upgrades.

It is now expected that Microsoft will name 7100 as the RC build and builds 7105 onwards will be the ongoing development branched towards RTM. The existence of build 7105 was confirmed On Monday

Microsoft appear to be on target for the May Public RC Release but may still deliver the RC internally and to partners for April 10th . meaning Microsoft will have skipped (or reserved) builds 7001, 7002, 7003 and 7004 similar to the "skip" from 6956 to 7000 and then the reserved 7001 and 7002 builds for the beta to RC period.

Did u try this build ?