In our time of everyday accusations for copyright violation many of you are probably pounding over a question how to protect yourself from receiving one of those letters. Well, all the ways are known to everyone, but which one to choose is just up to you. One the methods to circumvent the copyright law is using a VPN service, which can offer file-sharers the sort of security and privacy which is necessary for evading the prying eyes of all the institutions struggling for preventing the copyright infringement, like anti-P2P companies.
These days every BitTorrent user can watch an escalating cat-and-mouse game with Internet Service Providers and anti-piracy outfits trying to implement ever increasing ways of finding out and preventing the copyright violation.
One of the countless VPNs, who cater to BitTorrent users, is BTGuard. As it finds itself among the rapidly increasing number of the similar services, it doesn’t care to look shy about informing the customers about the sort of protection it offers. Its official site speaks straight out that it helps download via BitTorrent while being 100% safe and anonymous. It also explains the system: all downloads are routed via Canada, which, as you know, has one of the strictest privacy policies worldwide, thus making sure your identity is protected even from your own connection service provider.
To be detailed, it works by creating a tunnel between the user and BTGuard when connecting to them. All the information in the tunnel is encrypted in such a way that the only ones aware of the contents of what is being sent are only BTGuard and the user.
Another advantage of this method is that it also comes as an effective solution for service providers throttling BitTorrent, like in the case with American ISP Comcast a couple years ago.
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